Kings Park & Botanic Garden-Perth

I walked to the Botanic Garden as always even though we stayed there only for a short time. Because when you walk you can discover new things in the city. In this park an attractive place is long tree-lined entry way.

Perth is in Western Australia and it is a coastal city. In the park you will see Anigozanthos Manglesii, local called ”red and green kangaroo paw“. The flower, symbolic of region, is remarkable of high standing flowers. When I first saw it I felt it like a peacock, proudly standing in front of you.

Kings Park & Botanic Garden in Perth, overlooking the Swan river and the central business district.

Royal Botanic Garden Victoria-Melbourne

Royal Botanic Gardens Victoria is located south side of the Yara River in established downtown of Melbourne. Around that area are the National Gallery of Victoria, Queen Victoria Gardens, the Shrine of Remembrance…..

When we were there was winter time. Walking into the garden, many species of camellias greeted us. Huge flowers vying for beauty. One cacti and succulent garden is my favorite place.

There is one native tree called baobab and we call “bread tree”. Because tree trunk looks like bread.

Singapore Botanic Gardens

We lived in Singapore for few years, and the place we stayed was close to the Botanic Garden. We used to go to there every weekend morning by bicycle or our scooters. We liked to have breakfast at the local restaurant in the garden. It is a pleasant place to go with tropical plants and flowers.

The National Orchid Garden in the Botanic Gardens. Here there are thousands species of orchid on display, the splendor of these wonderful blooms is absolutely a pleasure to visit.

Meanwhile the garden has Rain forest, Ginger garden, Swan lake, Heritage museum………. At the entrance close to us we always stayed and played in the frangipani garden area with lots of swings. 

Houston Arboretum & Nature Center

Visit to Houston Arboretum & Nature Center. Now they are restoring the arboretum landscape after Hurricane Harvey. When we travel to different places, we always visit  the botanical garden in that city. Here the landscaping is different and more natural.

Fallen trees are still beautiful and become nature sculptures, it seems to always belong there. Some plants turn to wood chips, and they use to make walking paths. Standing on the top feels like children’s bungee bed. This is the best part of this nature center to me.

They collected fallen trees and dried the wood, and then used it for structures in the arboretum.